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Stanwood & Camano Island, Washington - School Modernizations + Repairs

Stanwood High School exterior repaint - Pelletier + Schaar
Stanwood High School modernization and repair master plan - Pelletier + Schaar

As the District's Architect of Record, we have been leading the District through multiple facilities projects. In 2010 we completed a feasibility study that helped the school district get a maintenance levy passed by the local voters. The first school to under-go repairs and modernization was Stanwood High School. We master planned 8 projects, most occurring the summer of 2015.

Stanwood High School bleachers with Spartan graphics - Pelletier + Schaar
Stanwood High School reglazed greenhouses - Pelletier + Schaar
Stanwood High School refurbished restrooms - Pelletier + Schaar
Stanwood High School Spartan's refinished gym floor and new bleachers - Pelletier + Schaar

Interior projects included: The gym floor was refinished, including new graphics and striping; out-dated, non compliant bleachers were replaced with modern units with school graphics. Restrooms were repaired and updated to feel more special than 40 year old school restrooms. Several areas of flooring were replaced. Kitchen and Cafeteria ceilings were repaired. Metal shop ventilation systems were repaired.

Stanwood High School exterior repaint - Pelletier + Schaar

Exterior projects included: Water damaged exterior walls were repaired and the majority of the school was repainted. The greenhouses were re-glazed and updated with new doors and heat / ventilation systems. Student parking was resurfaced and striped. The running track was resurfaced and striped.

Stanwood High School resurfaced and restriped student parking - Pelletier + Schaar
Stanwood High School resurfaced running track - Pelletier + Schaar

Multiple projects at several elementary and middle schools were completed during summer of 2016. Projects underway for 2017 summer include modernizations and repairs on schools throughout the district.




Stanwood High School

Stanwood Middle School

Port Susan Middle School

Stanwood Elementary School

Twin City Elementary School

Saratoga School



JT+T Construction

Great Floors

Higher Plain

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